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"A Journey into the Worlds of Existence and Identity: A Deep Philosophical Analysis of the Concepts of Self-Formation and Entity"

 "A Journey into the Worlds of Existence and Identity: A Deep Philosophical Analysis of the Concepts of Self-Formation and Entity"


Part One: Basic Concepts

Existence (entity):

Existence is a basic concept in philosophy that refers to the existence of a thing or existence in reality. It is a deep and complex idea and can be interpreted in different ways according to different philosophical schools.

Existence may be real (such as tangible things) or possible (such as thoughts or dreams).

The concept of existence is also linked to time and place, as things can change over time and are affected by the cultural and social context.


Identity expresses the unique and distinctive character of a thing or thing. It distinguishes a thing or thing from others and defines what makes it unique.

Identity is affected by multiple factors such as culture, upbringing, personal experiences, and social relationships. These factors contribute to the formation of personal identity and collective identity.

Part Two: The relationship between existence and identity

Existence and identity formation:

Existence plays a crucial role in the formation of identity. When the physical presence of a thing or object affects its surrounding environment and context, this can greatly affect its identity.

Example: The geographic environment and climate influence the identity of surrounding communities.

Searching for identity:

The search for identity is the process of an individual getting to know himself and determining the components of his personal identity. This process involves exploring personal interests, values, and beliefs.

Tension between societal obligations and individual identity can be part of the identity search process. The individual may find himself forced to balance his social obligations and his expression of his individual identity.

Part Three: Philosophical aspects and practical applications

Individual philosophies and identity:

A number of philosophers have deeply studied individual identity and the impact of existence on it. For example, Jean-Paul Sartre emphasizes the concept of individual freedom and personal responsibility in shaping individual identity.

Collective identity and conflicts:

Collective identity relates to how individuals define themselves as members of groups or communities. Conflicts between different group identities can lead to social tensions and conflicts.

Identity in the modern era:

In the modern era, the concepts of existence and identity have been influenced by technology and modern means of communication. Digital identities and online interactions become an important part of our identity.


In this article, the concepts of existence and identity are explored in depth, and the relationship between them is analysed. It becomes clear that existence plays a crucial role in doubt
